Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Picking the President: Economic Recovery

...I got nothing. F an introduction.

John McCain

  • Believes tax cuts will best strengthen the economy
  • Stimulate economy with tax cuts for businesses
  • Create personal accounts for unemployment insurance
  • Government-backed mortgage relief for some subprime mortgage-holders

Barack Obama

  • Economy and tax code too skewed toward wealthy
  • New stimulus package with rebate checks and aid to local governments
  • Extend and expand unemployment insurance
  • Government-backed mortgage relief for some subprime mortgage-holders
I'll give this one to Obama...surprised? Too bad neither candidate wants to give the Fair Tax a try - remember Mike Gravel and Mike Huckabee? But Obama's right - the rich are getting richer, the poor getting poorer, and the middle class is shrinking. To me, his ideas are more plausible than the trickle down theory.


  1. Let me get this straight...

    McCain wants to cut our taxes. That's good because people know better how to spend their own money than the government does. Every dollar we pay to the government is one less dollar we can spend on ourselves. McCain also wants to cut business taxes. That's also good because businesses don't pay taxes anyway, consumers do. The only thing businesses pay are wages so, cutting their taxes should create more jobs and increase wages. Personal accounts for unemployement insurance sounds good but, that's something we're all personally responsible for anyway. We don't need an intrusive government burocracy to hold our hand. The same goes for how people spend their money. When people borrow too much and dig themselves into debt, they're supposed to loose their shirts or go out of business. Bailing people out is a misuse of taxpayer dollars and it ends up hurting the economy more than it helps.

    Obama want's to increase taxes on the rich but the rich don't pay taxes, they pay wages. Taxing them more will only end up costing poor and middle class people their jobs. It only figures that Obama would want to extend and expand unemployment insurance since unemployment is going to rise. Unfortunately, like all government entitlement programs, it won't compensate the people who loose their jobs. Why does he then want to give our federal tax dollars to local governments when local governments can collect their own damn taxes?

    I'm not a fan of socialism so, if I had to choose one, I'd go with McCain. Fortunately, we have other candidates running for President and they are far better than either of these village idiots.

  2. "McCain wants to cut our taxes. That's good because people know better how to spend their own money than the government does."
    Amen to that, which I why I would have liked to see a Fair Tax supporter in the race. If all goes well with THAT theory, the people will have money to spend by themselves.
    "McCain also wants to cut business taxes. That's also good because businesses don't pay taxes anyway, consumers do. The only thing businesses pay are wages so, cutting their taxes should create more jobs and increase wages."
    This is where you lost me. Do you mean that the consumers end up paying for to the government than businesses?


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